Friday, June 7, 2019

Crossing Brooklyn Ferry Essay Example for Free

Crossing Brooklyn Ferry EssayFerry is considered one of the greatest lyrical poems of all time. In Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, Walt Whitman uses connotative diction, curious questions, and critical reader engagement to convey a feeling of connection and unity of people through time. By using these certain rhetoric strategies, Whitman creates a piece of poetry that seems to be timeless. Whitman carefully chooses certain words and phrases that really highlight his intentions to connect himself and others readers throughout time.In part 2 of the poem, Walt chooses the words unanalyzable and compact to describe a scheme in which we are all disintegrated. These words, precise and carefully chosen, attribute to the great lyricism of the poem. A scheme that is straightforward is a scheme that we can all live by. And a compact, simple scheme connotes togetherness. Whitman continues to say were all disintegrated, but part of the scheme. Being disintegrated could excessively means we are all little pieces of the same body, or schemeAnother simple rhetoric strategy imposed by Whitman to convey a sense of unity between he and the reader is reader engagement. Whitman involves and engages the ready by asking the reader questions, and relating to the reader. By effectively asking questions, Whitman suggest to readers from quondam(prenominal) and future times that maybe there is not much that separates them. What is it then between us? What is the count of scores or hundreds of years between us? The use of these rhetoric strategies are just a few the devices that makes Walt Whitmans Crossing the Brooklyn Ferry a timeless masterpiece.

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